Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Advocate or adversary

All of us will fall into one of three categories in any relationship. I'd like to qualify those categories as neutral, an advocate, or an adversary. Neutral is simply the position of ambivalence, unconcern, or disinterest. Advocate is the position of concern, intercessor, or champion. Adversary is the position of antagonist, opponent, or enemy.

Now I realize that rarely does one set out to be someone's adversary. One certainly does not in the case of marriage or parenting. But, intention is never a guarantee of fait accompli. Unfortunately, we all have found ourselves unconsciously at odds with someone and often with no clear reason. Can I suggest then that we chose to be an advocate?

By way of definition, an advocate fills the role of Christ in someone's life. An advocate is the difference makers, both spiritually and materially. An advocate is a spiritual minister, giving themselves to move someone along or a little higher. Christ is our eternal advocate with the Father; we therefore can be/should be one another's advocate in life.

Might I suggest again that this is a conscious choice? Our carnal nature makes us neutral at best and predisposed to adversarial. So, if I am going to be someone's advocate, it will be because I chose to be. I am an advocate because I decided to care, to love, and to minister. Advocacy requires selflessness which is uncomfortable and often unpalatable. But, the rewards of advocacy are priceless and the reciprocal nature of the Spirit ensures I get my investments in others back.


  1. wow this is really good...just what i needed :) I want to be an advocate!!

  2. Well then, go right too it. :)
