Thursday, August 20, 2009

Then what?

I realize the Lord is coming back. I realize He is coming back soon. I hope sooner than later. Matter of fact, today would be great! But, what if he does not come back today? What if He does not come back this year? What if He does not come back in the next 50 years? Then what?

I think we need to ask ourselves if our plan for the future is to keep doing what we are doing and getting what we are getting? That plan might work for those with more days lived then left to live, but I do not think that plan is going to work for the generation now coming to prominence or the ones after them.

Now, maybe it is unthinkable that the Lord would tarry that long. One may even reference the proliferation of the signs of His return. But, if you asked those in their 80's, they saw the signs in their days. If you ask those in their 60's, they saw the signs in their days. I think we have been seeing these signs a long time now.

I do not wish to be antagonistic, but I am trying to focus our collective thoughts on what do we do now. Is it possible that our emphasis on the soon return of the Lord has left us out of balance? I do not think anyone expected us to be here this long. Subsequently, I do not think we have given integrating Christ into a 70 year life plan – career path plan, estate building plan, or church building plan – enough serious consideration.

If the Lord does tarry, I want to be prepared to pass along something to my "children's children" (Proverbs 13:33). I want Him to find me productively active (Luke 19:13).


  1. Ooo that is good. I remember being a younger person and thinking that I didn't need to finish my schooling etc because what was the point? The Lord was going to be coming back for me very soon! I am so thankful that my mindset is changing. I want to do something for the kingdom of God.

  2. Me too. We'll do something together. Sis K will help too she said. :)

  3. So if a man came back and said to you "I am the lord" would you really believe him? Do you think you would know? Would he have to communicate in person only or could he set up an email account and let you know. And if so how would you really know?
